Security Tips & Tricks

Security Tips & Tricks

CNB Bank & Trust will never solicit your personal information by phone, auto-dialer, text message, email or providing links within an email requesting that you update your information. You will not receive any email notification asking you to click a link or visit a website to unlock your account or to provide any private information unless otherwise requested by you through the online banking password self-reset feature or requested by someone else you know sending you a payment through our Person-to-Person (P2P) payment service. If someone you know is sending you a P2P payment for the first time, they should inform you and provide you with a unique keyword to authenticate. If you receive an email or phone call requesting confidential information from someone claiming to represent CNB Bank & Trust, please do not respond.


Online Security

The following information can help you protect your information when using our online services. While CNB Bank & Trust maintains the highest level of security on our systems, we are not responsible for any breach of security that is beyond our control. The following are suggestions to help protect you online on your computer or mobile device.

Online Banking Security Tips:

  • Do not share your online banking login information with anyone else. If you think your information has been compromised, change your password immediately and call us toll-free at 866-342-2620.
  • Choose a hard-to-guess password. Do not use words that can be found in a dictionary or information related to you, such as your name, address, birth date, etc.
  • Disable auto-complete or similar features on any computer you use for online banking.
  • Do not write down your password or reveal it to anyone.
  • Change your password regularly.
  • Remember to log out when you are finished banking online or are leaving the computer unattended.
  • Avoid using unfamiliar computers to conduct any online banking, as they may be compromised.
  • Avoid using regular email to share information about your account with CNB Bank & Trust, use our secure email service instead.
  • Use account activity alerts to notify you of account transactions and balances.

Mobile Banking Security

Our mobile banking service utilizes best practices from online banking, such as HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS), 128‐bit multi-layer encryption, password or multifactor authentication access, and application time out when your phone is not in use. In addition, no account data is ever stored on your phone and if your phone is lost or stolen, you can restrict access to your account by resetting your online banking credentials online.

Mobile Banking Security Tips:

  • Lock your device with a password or PIN when it is not in use.
  • Use strong account passwords with at least one number and capitalized letter. Do not use your name, birth date or other easily identifiable personal information.
  • Do not store personal information including your User IDs and passwords on your phone or send them via email or text messages which could be intercepted.
  • Only download applications from trusted sources. Make sure to download updates regularly, as updates often fix security flaws.
  • Do not enter personal information unless there is an "s" after http, which indicates the site is secure. Also, look for security symbols like the lock icon.
  • Do not bank or shop online when using unsecured, public Wi‐Fi access.
  • Do not click on any links in emails claiming to be from CNB Bank & Trust. Instead, go to the Bank's website directly and log in. Always log off completely after using Mobile Banking.

General Computer Security

It's always a good idea to keep up to date on the latest fraudulent activities and scams to keep your information safe. General computer security etiquette is also important can act as a first line of defense.

General Computer Security Tips:

  • Keep your system and software current with updates from vendor websites. For example, use the Windows® update feature and install any critical updates and service packs that are available. Make sure you have the latest versions of all software applications.
  • Use virus and spyware protection software and keep it up-to-date in order to detect and block new threats.
  • Use a software or hardware firewall to protect your computer from network intrusions.
  • Make sure that any wireless network to which you connect your computer is secure and requires data encryption.
  • Do not download files, install software or open email attachments from unverified or unknown sources.
  • Beware of pop-ups. Watch out for sudden pop-up windows asking for personal information or warning of a virus.
  • Be a little suspicious. A very large number of attacks rely on simple social engineering. Ask yourself next time you receive an email claiming you have won an iPad or received a FedEx package -- is this probably real? Would it happen to me walking down the street? Scams today are not all identifiable by poor grammar and spelling mistakes, as they once were.
  • Be wary for phishing emails which may appear to be sent from the bank but are really from criminals trying to get your personal information. Never click on embedded links if you are suspicious; instead, type the URL directly into the browser or contact your bank to verify the authenticity of the email.

Please Select Your Local Branch

  • Alton
  • Brighton
  • Carlinville
  • Carrollton
  • Chapin
  • Clayton, MO
  • Edwardsville / Glen Carbon
  • Hillsboro
  • Jacksonville
  • Jerseyville
  • Litchfield
  • Oak Forest
  • Palos Heights
  • Pittsfield
  • Taylorville
  • Tinley Park
  • Virden
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